What's Cooking - Latest Updates
Yay for New Kitchen Equipment!
12/16/22Yay for New Kitchen Equipment!![]()
Yay for New Kitchen Equipment!
This week we finally received some of the new equipment we ordered last spring - a blast chiller and an electric tilt skillet. These items will enable us to cook meals at a large scale, we are serving over 10,000 lunches and 3,000 breakfasts each day. The electric tilt skillet has some really cool technology and capabilities, all High Schools and most Middle Schools will be getting them installed over the coming months. The blast chiller will primarily be used for our central hub kitchens and enable us to not only prepare meals in a food safe manner, but also maintain nutrition and food quality. We are giddy as school kids to have this new equipment!
We've joined the Eat REAL Certification Program
12/8/22We've joined the Eat REAL Certification Program![]()
We've joined the Eat REAL Certification Program
We are excited to announce that we have joined the Eat REAL Certification program. Our Child Nutrition Department is partnering with Eat REAL to measure our full nutrition program against a set of evidence-based standards and celebrate our successes. By becoming certified, we will support meaningful changes in the interest of our students' health and reduce our environmental impact. Participating in the process will help us to redefine in our community what school food is and give us a structured way to measure and talk about our values.
What is Eat REAL Certification?
Eat REAL Certification is a standards-based evaluation and change management program that works with school districts to meet their food service program nutrition and sustainability goals. To become Eat REAL Certified, a district's food service program, from ingredient procurement to meal preparation, is evaluated against ten evidence-based standards focused on child nutrition and environmental impact that go beyond the federally mandated standards.