How to Change Your Address
When you move within the district or to a residence outside of the district, you must notify your current school office personnel with your change of address within 5 days of the move. Here's what you will need to do to successfully complete your change of address:
- During the school year, after the Annual Update has closed and the Parent Portal Change Request processor has opened, you may request your address change through the .
To complete the change of address
- The Parent Portal Change Requests processor is typically closed from the beginning of the school year through October. While the Parent Portal Change Request processor is closed you may bring your new residency verification documents (escrow, lease/rental agreements & PG&E or water bill) to your school of attendance to change your address.
- During summer months we continue to accept address updates using our
Bring your new address information to your current school of attendance.
If you would like your student(s) to continue attending school in the San Ramon 快播成人 Unified School District obtain an approved Inter-District Transfer request(s) from your new resident school district.
- Bring or have the approved Inter-District Transfer request sent to the Student Services Department at 699 Old Orchard Dr, Danville. Your approved Inter-District Transfer request can also be faxed to (925) 837-2605 or scanned to
- At this point the request will enter our Inter-District Transfer process for review.
- Additional information regarding Inter-District Transfer process can be found on the page of the district website.
If you move within the SRVUSD boundary during the school year you have the option to either keep your student's enrollment at the current school site or request to have your student's enrollment move to your new school of residence. If you would like to have your student continue at their current school site in the next school year, please plan to submit an intra district transfer request during Open Enrollment. Information regarding the Open Enrollment timeline and intra district practices and priorities can be found on the School Transfers page of the district website.