Foster Youth and Homeless Education Services
At the San Ramon 快播成人 Unified School District, we provide Foster Youth and Homeless education services in order to help ensure that foster and homeless youth receive the full benefits of a free and appropriate public education that all students are entitled to, including preschool programs. We work in collaboration with all 35 schools in our District, Contra Costa County Office of Education, the Contra Costa County Department of Social Services, Contra Costa County Probation, and other community based agencies, to fully implement both the state and federal () laws which govern and protect the educational rights of foster and homeless youth and children.
Foster and homeless youth often experience numerous changes in placement and living situations which cause interruptions in their educational settings. The emotional adjustments of these changes combined with the sense of falling behind can be overwhelming for these students. It is estimated that for each mid-year school placement change, a student will fall behind academically by six months. Graduation rates for foster and homeless youth are 20% to 30% below the national average of their peers.
We can assist these students and their families by helping with:
- Immediate enrollment in school (each school site has a designated liaison)
- Assistance with school services to maintain educational stability
- Timely transfer of educational records
- Assistance with obtaining immunization and medical records
- Referral to Community Resources Linkage to community college/vocational programs
Dia Mundle, Social Worker, Foster and Homeless Youth Liaison
, Social Worker
Tehseen Khan, Social Worker
Carl Nishi, Social Worker