Contact Us by District Department
San Ramon 快播成人 Unified School District
699 Old Orchard Drive tel: (925) 552-5500
Danville, CA 94526 fax: (925) 552-5037
For all general questions and inquiries, please contact the District Office Assistant at 925-552-5500
To "Contact Us" by department, call these phone numbers or click on the person's name to send an e-mail.
Department |
Phone |
District Office Assistant | 925-552-5500 | Robyn Mcnaughton |
Accounts Receivable | 925-552-2903 | Cindy Lodge |
Accounts Payable (A-L) | 925-552-5075 | Poojitha Chunduri |
Accounts Payable (M-Z) | 925-552-2991 | Anna Lee |
Alternative Education | 925-552-5032 | Tami Castelluccio |
Athletic Eligibility and NCS Info | 925-552-5052 | Helen Burrows |
Attendance | 925-552-2901 | Anjali Gahlot |
Be a Mentor (Volunteers) | 925-552-2949 | Tami Castellucio |
Benefits | 925-552-2913 | Shannelle Sherrod |
Board Agenda Items | 925-552-2933 | Cindy Fischer |
Budget (General Information) | 925-552-2906 / 925-552-2944 | Julie Bollenbach / Emily Chang |
Business | 925-552-2905 | Sandra Corsetti |
Child Nutrition/Food Service | 925-824-1806 | Zetta Reicker |
Communications & Community Relations | 925-552-2945 | Ilana Israel Samuels |
Computer Integration (classroom) | 925-824-1843 | |
Computer Support (District employees only) | 925-824-1840 | Help Desk |
Counseling | 925-552-5052 | Helen Burrows |
Curriculum | 925-552-2916 | Debra Petish |
Custodial Services | 925-824-1819 | Isma'il al-Shabazz |
Discipline (Suspensions & Expulsions) | 925-552-5052 | Helen Burrows |
Educational Services | 925-552-2914 | Debbie Gluchowski |
Employee ID Badges | 925-552-5500 | Robyn Mcnaughton |
English Learner Support Services | 925-552-5050 | Deanna Zappia Cabral |
Enrollment | 925-552-5042 | Sandy Cattarusa |
Facilities Use/Rentals | 925-552-2905 | Tina Perault |
Flyer Approval (Peachjar) | 925-552-5007 | |
Gifted and Talented Testing (GATE/ATP) | 925-552-2967 | Assessment Main Line |
Gifted and Talented Program (GATE) | 925-552-5032 | Tiffany Tano |
Graduation/Promotion | 925-552-2949 | Tami Castelluccio |
Health Education/Health Educators | 925-552-5052 | Helen Burrows |
Home and Hospital Teaching | 925-552-5052 | Helen Burrows |
Human Resources | 925-552-2923 | Adrienne Herrera |
Human Resources/Certificated | 925-552-5051 / 925-552-2928 | Martha Drury / Yesenia Adame |
Human Resources/Classified | 925-552-2953 | Kim Wolkenmuth |
Independent Study/Home Schooling | 925-552-5032 | Jon Campopiano |
Infinite Campus | 925-824-1856 | Ken Bazan |
Instructional Materials (K-12) | 925-552-2916 | Gabriela McVay |
Keys | 925-824-0267 | na |
Mail Room | 925-824-1877 | na |
Maintenance and Operations | 925-824-0267 | Abdul Mixon |
Networks | 925-824-1840 | Help Desk |
Payroll - Certificated | ||
Elementary Schools Last Name A - G | 925-552-2911 | Lan (Sunny) Yu |
Elementary Schools Last Name H - N | 925-552-2947 | Danielle Day |
Elementary Schools Last Name O - Z | 925-552-2958 | Karyn Hill |
High Schools and Middle Schools/Substitutes | 925-552-2912 | Kristi Carmichael |
Payroll - Classified | ||
Permanent and Substitute Last Name A - G | 925-552-2911 | Lan (Sunny) Yu |
Permanent and Substitute/Bus Drivers Last Name H - N | 925-552-2947 | Danielle Day |
Permanent and Substitute Last Name O - Z | 925-552-2958 | Karyn Hill |
Walk-on Coaches/Lifeguards/Professional Experts | 925-552-2907 | Brenda Uranga |
Payroll - Benefits Deductions | 925-552-2907 | Brenda Uranga |
Phones | 925-824-1878 | Andy Bonner |
Policies and Procedures | 925-552-2933 | Cindy Fischer |
Purchasing | 925-824-1834 | |
QSS | 925-824-1856 | Ken Bazan / Julie Goto |
Questions regarding schools | 925-552-5071 | Educational Services |
Resident School Identification (website, under Schools) | na | Locate my school |
ROP (Regional Occupational Program) | 925-552-5008 | Jessica Coulson |
Risk Management | 925-552-2905 | Sandra Corsetti |
Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Program | 925-552-5030 | Helen Burrows |
Safety Environmental Health | 925-824-0267 | na |
San Ramon 快播成人 Education Foundation (SRVEF) | 925-552-2908 | Ilana Israel Samuels |
Software (for classrooms) | 925-552-5027 | na |
Special Education/Special Programs | 925-552-2988 | Jenny Olden |
SRVTIP (Teacher Induction Program) [Formerly BTSA] | 925-552-2948 | Nicole Padoan |
Staff Development | 925-552-2916 | Debra Petish |
Student Records | 925-552-5042 | Sandy Cattarusa |
Substitutes/Certificated | 925-552-2931 | Monica Rosas |
Summer School | 925-552-5032 | Annabel Hurlburt |
Superintendent's Office | 925-552-5500 | Cindy Fischer |
Technology | 925-552-2951 | Kelly Hilton / Tressa Herley |
Technology Help Desk (for District employees only) | 925-824-1840 | Help Desk |
Testing (Assessment, Research & Evaluation) | 925-552-2967 | Assessment Main Line |
Textbooks (see Instructional Materials) | na | na |
Transfers and Diversions | 925-552-5076 | Sandy Cattarusa |
Transportation | 925-824-1824 | Michael Mimiaga |
Verifications for Mortgages/Loans | email only | |
Warehouse | 925-824-0274 | Randy Salling |
Work Permits (for students) | 925-552-5052 | Helen Burrows |